
Present Description


This book motif comes from the Bible, Buddhism Sutra, Mandala and like those things. In other words, I say these are the interface to access something. And images in this book come from some books of Japanese modern history. I shot each page of those books and splitting them digitally. Those split images are put on pages in accordance with a law. But the law is not clearly indicated. In the other hand, the snapshots pictures are put on the pages in-between splitting images. It supposes that connection of ancient memory of vision or commonality is mentioned by the images. It is solidarity through something we have seen somewhere. History is something that is strongly defined and appears to be solidarity, but it is actually a hotbed of division and division. I put both, split historical images and normal snapshots, in parallel in accordance with the law. If you find kind of another righteous like new beauty in the annexed as a book, it is a victory against meaning. At the beginning of the book, there is the quoted text from Kenji Miyazawa's SPRING ASURA. Excerpt from  "SPRING ASURA" Kenji Miyazawa These words were meant to be transcribed truthfully In the monstrous bright accumulation of time Of the present geological era Yet they have gone ahead and altered their construct and quality In what amounts to a mere point of contrasted light (or alternatively a billion years of Ashura) Now it is possible that both the printer and I Have been sharing a certain turn of mind Causing us to sense these unaltered In all probability just as we are aware of our own sense organs And of scenery and of people through feeling And just as what is but what we sense is common So it is that documents and history…or the Earth’s past Are nothing but what we have become conscious of Along with their huge data (at the root of the karmic qualifications of space-time)


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